Asteptata de ceva timp, reconditionarea pipei Grooteklaes, proaspat intrata in panoplia lui Radu, scoate la suprafata pasiunea si dragostea pentru pipe a unui bucurestean intr-o maniera suprinzator de profesionista.
Noi stim ca Radu nu este manufacturier pipier de profesie, insa studiind cu atentie pipa reconditionata, cu siguranta multi ar crede tocmai opusul.
Oricine poate cumpara o pipa noua, de calitate foarte buna si mai ales un brand de renume...insa foarte putini pot descoperi adevarate opere de arta in pipele vechi, trecute prin intemperiile unor vremuri demult apuse.
Pe la inceputurile mele in tainele pipelor am descoperit si eu acest lucru, si anume ca nimic nu se compara cu satisfactia pe care o ai atunci cand readuci la viata o pipa veche, mai ales daca pipa respectiva nu este o pipa comuna.
Exista doua categorii de pipari...cei care fumeaza o pipa pentru a iesi in evidenta in anumite cercuri cei care fumeaza pipa din pasiune si respect de sine.
Felicitari pentru extraordinara munca depusa si pentru rezultatul final !!!
The making of a Calabash pipe
At first, I have to say that I don't consider myself as a pipe maker, not even an amateur, because I don't use to make pipes, and I have never made a normal wooden pipe. The first pipe I made, 25 years ago, consisted of two pieces of bamboo, an wider as a bowl, and a thinner as a stem. Two years later, I made another pipe, a "churchwarden", using a branch of holly for the bowl and the shank, and a piece of bamboo for the stem. It's a primitive pipe, but I still have it, and smoke it from time to time. My last attempt was about two years ago, when I tried to make a corn cob pipe, but it ended small and funny, compared to the cheapest corn cob of the market.
So, why did I decide to make a pipe so complicated, as a gourd calabash ?
This year, I was I in a strong pipe-making mood again. I was also very interested in calabash pipes. As it's very difficult, or impossible, to find a real calabash in Greece, and I don't use to buy anything via internet, I had to travel to London, last summer, to aquire an estate one. It's an elegant, antique, real gourd calabash, made in London, in the year 1921. The pipe needed a lot of cleaning and restoring, and I did it myself. I even had to replace the cork gasket. After many hours of work, the pipe was in a great condition, and I new exactly how a calabash is made. As it smokes excelent, I wanted to smoke it frequently, but it's not the best thing to do with an antique pipe, and it's not very wise, to carry around a fragile calabash, in a back-pack !
So, I had a crazy idea: Instead of trying to make an ordinary looking pipe from a piece of briar, I decided to make a calabash ! Not a calabash-shaped wooden pipe, but a real african gourd calabash, with a detachable bowl, a silver cup, a wooden ferrule and a silver band, like they used to make them 100 years ago in England. Finding the materials, especialy the gourd, was a big problem, but as you'll see in the next pages, anything can be done, if you want it too much.
As you'll see, I made the calabash pipe using the handle of an african instrument, a cheap briar pipe, a tin spray can, an old electric fuse, a piece of cork, and a piece of an old radio antenna. All the materials were chosen, used and assembled in a way, that none, maybe not even a calabash specialist, can say that the pipe is a novelty or a fake. The total cost was only 8,70 euros, just the price of the briar pipe, because the african instrument, purchased for 12 euros, is still playable with another handle. All the other materials were existing, or free. It took about a month to finish it, most of the time was for thinking, planning, searching and experimenting.
The first thing I needed, in order to make a gourd calabash pipe, was a calabash gourd, of course. The greek gourds rarely have a properly bent top, and if they do, it doesn't have the right shape, and the walls are too thin. So, for a long time, wherever I was, I kept my eyes open for anything resembling what I had in mind.
After a lot of search for the proper gourd, I found this instrument, in an exotic-gifts shop. It's an african shaker, like a cabasa, a gourd with sea-shells attached with strings. It was heavilly painted brown, and the top wasn't as curved as I wanted it to be, but it catched my eye at once, and I bought it for 12 euros. I wasn't sure it's a calabash gourd, but it sure was an african gourd in the right shape.
After drawing a circular line, I cut off the top of the gourd, using a small iron cutting saw. I scratched the dried remains of flesh and seeds from the inside walls of the gourd, and I trimmed both ends, using a file. I sanded all the inside walls of the gourd with a coarse sand paper, using the paper as a roll in the narrow part. The walls are thick enough, and the outer surface is harder than any wood I know.
I did some more trimming on the edges, using a blade cutter and grit paper, in order to make the top flat and even. I also removed most of the paint, using the same tools. I didn't use any chemicals, because the smell remains for a long time.
I polished the surface of the gourd and removed some paint remains, using fine grit papers and steel wool....
I drilled a hole in the narrow end, using 1 to 6mm drill bits, carefully not to pass through the opposite wall. I made sure I had an air passage, by blowing through the hole...
I curved a groove for the cork gasket, using the cutter and the grit paper. The groove is the only way to keep the gasket in place. It mustn't be too deep, because the wall becomes too thin, and the gourd may crack while inserting the bowl, or smoking...
The cork gasket is an important part of the pipe, because it holds the bowl firmly in place, and also keeps the chamber inside the gourd airtight. Making a cork gasket is a tricky process, but fortunately I had some experience from the restoring of an antique English calabash, when I destroyed the first two gaskets, because they were too loose. The gasket must be thick enough, to let the bowl enter very hardly for the first time (see page 7,"The Final Stage"), because later, by smoking the pipe, it becomes thinner, and less elastic.
I was given this flat piece of cork by a friend. It is 5mm thick, and consists of very small pieces of cork compressed. It's a fragile material, and it can break or chip easily while you cut it or bend it. I found out that the best way to keep it elastic, is to keep it wet. It must be dry only when you sand it or glue it. After I draw two parallel lines 5mm apart on the surface of the cork, I cut a strip about 12cm long with a scissors. I shaped its sides flat and I thinned it a little bit, with grit paper. Then I wet it, and started to bend it...
Keeping the cork strip wet all the time, I worked it by pressing with my fingers and bending it slowly, and carefully not to break it. I kept weting and bending, untill the ends met. Finally, I placed it in the inside of a spray-can cup, and kept it in place with two pieces of cork, in order to form an almost perfect circle. I let it dry for 24 hours before removing it.
I had to place the cork in the groove and remove it several times, in order to check if it fits right. I achieved the right diameter of the gasket, by cutting thin slices of cork from both ends, untill the ends met. I used a multi-purpose elastic glue for cork, rubber, leather etc, durable up to 125C degrees, to glue the gasket in place. I let it dry for 24 hours by an open window, because the glue has a strong smell, and can stay in the gourd for a long time. After the glue dried, I cut the exceeding top of the gasket with a cutter, and sanded it, in order to be even with the top of the gourd. I also rounded a little bit the edges of the gasket, with a fine grit paper...
The next thing I needed was a bent stem. I also needed a wooden ferrule. All calabash pipes have a ferrule, to prevent the gourd from cracking by the pressure of the tenon of the stem. Instead of trying to make, or to find the proper stem for my calabash, I searched to find a cheap pipe, with a stem close to what I had in mind. I also intended to use the shank of the pipe as a ferrule, as it was already drilled properly.
I found this unsmoked basket pipe, and I bought it for 8,70 euros. It's a medium size, partly bent, greek "Pipex" pipe, with a nice grain, and no fills at all. It was hard for me to destroy it, but fortunatelly, all the parts of the pipe were used in the calabash.
After I cut the shank off the bowl, I used it to make a ferrule for my calabash. I shaped it as a slightly tapered cylinder, with rounded edges on the wide side, using files and grit papers...
The stem needed some more bending. After I inserted a pipe cleaner, I bent the stem to the desired angle, by shaking it over the flame of an alcohol lamp. When the angle was right, I cooled it with water. I rounded the edges near the tenon, a little more, with a file, and polished all the stem with fine grit paper, steel wool and toothpaste...
I always liked the silver bands on the pipes. I also wanted to add a metalic band, in order to reinforce the shank of the gourd, but I didn't want to cover the nice briar ferrule. So, I decided to add a narrow band, just on the joint of the ferrule and the gourd. A bronze, chrome-plated cup of an old electric fuse, was what I needed. I opened an wide hole on the one side, and made the other side a little wider. I sanded most of the chrome-plating, having in mind to silver-plate it (see page 7, "The Final Stage").
I needed a durable tube, about 7mm in diameter, to join the ferrule and the gourd. I found a piece of an old radio antenna, a bronze chrome-plated tube, in the right diameter. I inserted the tube deep into the gourd, and I made sure that all parts were in line. Then I removed the ferulle, and I cut the tube right on the point were the tenon stops inside the ferulle. I placed the ferulle again, with the stem attached, to check if the stem is leaning left or right. Finally, I glued the tube, the band and the ferulle in place, using acrylic glue. After the glue dried, I checked the mortise, the tube and the gourd for obstacles. The air flow was perfect, and any pipe cleaner, a little bent, could easily pass through the mortise, to the top of the gourd...
The most important part of every pipe is the bowl; it must be durable to the heat of the burning tobacco and odourless. Finding a suitable bowl for my calabash was a big problem. An option was to order a meerchaum bowl via Internet, from a US maker, but the cost was too hi, including the price, the posting and the customs charges. Another option was to find a man who works with a lathe, to make a bowl of olive or oak wood for me. But I didn't find one. So, I decided to make my own bowl. Being familiar with the briar, as any pipe smoker does, I decided to make a briar one. The bowl of a calabash doesn't always have to be meerschaum, and after all, my 84 years old, antique English calabash, has a bowl made of plastic material !
The remained briar bowl, of the pipe I had already used for the ferrule and the stem, seemed right to start with. The size was right, the grain was fine, there were no fills at all, and the shank was already cut off.
I gave the bowl the desired shape, using a couple of files and grit papers. The bowl must be completely inserted into the gourd, without touching the walls. I filled the existing hole with a piece of briar and a drop of acrylic glue, and I drilled a new hole right in the centre of the bottom.Then I did some reaming inside the bowl, with a sharpened cake reamer, to increase the width and the depth of the chamber. Having already in mind to attach a cup to the bowl, and to reinforce the top of the bowl after the reaming, I decided to use a rim. I cut a strip of tin with a scissors, opened eight holes with a 1mm drill bit, and I mounted it round the top of the bowl, using small bronze nails. I bent the ends of the nails into the wood, and made them flat with a file.
I always liked the silver cups on the old-fashioned calabash, but I also like the rounded, mushroom-like tops of the meerchaum bowls. So, I started to search for a metallic cup, in this shape. The bottom of the above spray can, had the perfect shape and dimensions. I cut the tin bottom with a dented kitchen knife, and I removed the remains of the walls with a file and grit paper.
I made a hole in the middle of the tin cup, equal to the hole of the bowl, about 22mm in diameter, using a drill and a couple of files. I didn't like the sharp edges of the hole, so I started searching for something to cover them. I was lucky to find the bronze ring on the right, almost in the exact diameter of the hole. It is a ring used to reinforce holes on fabric covers of vehicles.
With a little trimming, the ring fitted nicely into the hole of the cap. I soldered it there, by first applying soldering material on both surfaces, and then heating them together with a butane gas soldering iron. I removed the exceeding soldering material, and polished the cup and the ring, using fine steel wool.
I turned the cup and the bowl upside-down, I placed the bowl on the centre of the cup and I pushed it, till the rim touched the cup and the edge of the ring was into the bowl. Then I made sure the bowl was upright and firmly in place...
I soldered the rim on the cup using the butane gas soldering iron and some soldering wire. The thick soldering included the heads of the nails, so the construction proved to be very solid. I also soldered the bent ends of the nails, inside the bowl, to the bronze ring.
I cleaned the surfaces around the soldering with steel wool and ear-tips soaked in pure alcohol, and I trimmed the edge of the ring inside the bowl with a file, to make it more even to the walls of the bowl. The small, less than 0,5mm step, will be covered by the cake, anyway. Finally, I polished the cup a little more with steel wool. I left some "criss-cross" artifacts, existing from manufacture on the surface of the cup, because I think they add a touch of "handmade" and "antique" look. The briar bowl with the metal cup was ready !
All the parts of the pipe were ready, but some more work was necessary, before starting assembling them. First, I had to silver-plate the cup of the bowl, and the bronze band.
The same friend who gave me the piece of cork for the gasket (thanks Alex!), also gave me a liquid named "Silverlife", used in silver-plating metalic surfaces. It's not a paint, it really adds a thin coat of pure silver that bonds with the metal. I applied the liquid with a cloth, I rubbed it for a minute, and then I wiped the excess material. The result was impressive! I repeated the process three times on the surface of the cup and the band, so the silver layer became thicker and more durable. I polished both the silver cup and the band with a cloth buffing wheel, attached on my drill. Then, I used the same buffing wheel to polish the gourd and the briar ferrule. Since I don't have a special polishing wax, I used an ordinary brown drawing wax-crayon. I applied a thick coat of wax on all surfaces by drawing, I melted it over an alcohol lamp, and started buffing immediately. The result wasn't the glass-like surface of a new pipe, but the antique look of my calabash doesn't need it. Next, I polished the stem with the buffing wheel, and I applied a coat of graphite on the tenon and the mortise by drawing with an ordinary 2=B pencil, as a dry lubricant. I did the same on the inside surface of the cork gasket, because it was the time to insert the bowl in place.
Inserting the bowl in the gasket for the first time is a risky process. The gasket is still too thick, as it has to be (see "the cork gasket"), so the bowl inserts very hardly, and the extreme pressure can easily crack the gourd. First, I wet the cork with an ear-tip, to make it more flexible, carefully not to wet the gourd. Then I applied a drop of olive oil on the outer surface of the bowl. While holding tight the top of the gourd with one hand, I inserted slowly and carefully the bowl in place, by pressing and twisting it. When the bowl was all the way into the gourd, and the cup was sitting properly on the top, I checked around the gourd for cracks, and I left the pipe for 24 hours.
Next day, the gasket was dry, and formed in the shape of the bowl, so every next time, removing and reinserting the bowl, was easier. Placing the stem, was not a problem, as the mortise of the ferrule was in the exact diameter of the tenon, and both were already lubricated with the pencil graphite.
The first real gourd calabash pipe made in Greece, was assembled, and ready to smoke !
At first, I have to say that I don't consider myself as a pipe maker, not even an amateur, because I don't use to make pipes, and I have never made a normal wooden pipe. The first pipe I made, 25 years ago, consisted of two pieces of bamboo, an wider as a bowl, and a thinner as a stem. Two years later, I made another pipe, a "churchwarden", using a branch of holly for the bowl and the shank, and a piece of bamboo for the stem. It's a primitive pipe, but I still have it, and smoke it from time to time. My last attempt was about two years ago, when I tried to make a corn cob pipe, but it ended small and funny, compared to the cheapest corn cob of the market.
So, why did I decide to make a pipe so complicated, as a gourd calabash ?
This year, I was I in a strong pipe-making mood again. I was also very interested in calabash pipes. As it's very difficult, or impossible, to find a real calabash in Greece, and I don't use to buy anything via internet, I had to travel to London, last summer, to aquire an estate one. It's an elegant, antique, real gourd calabash, made in London, in the year 1921. The pipe needed a lot of cleaning and restoring, and I did it myself. I even had to replace the cork gasket. After many hours of work, the pipe was in a great condition, and I new exactly how a calabash is made. As it smokes excelent, I wanted to smoke it frequently, but it's not the best thing to do with an antique pipe, and it's not very wise, to carry around a fragile calabash, in a back-pack !
So, I had a crazy idea: Instead of trying to make an ordinary looking pipe from a piece of briar, I decided to make a calabash ! Not a calabash-shaped wooden pipe, but a real african gourd calabash, with a detachable bowl, a silver cup, a wooden ferrule and a silver band, like they used to make them 100 years ago in England. Finding the materials, especialy the gourd, was a big problem, but as you'll see in the next pages, anything can be done, if you want it too much.
As you'll see, I made the calabash pipe using the handle of an african instrument, a cheap briar pipe, a tin spray can, an old electric fuse, a piece of cork, and a piece of an old radio antenna. All the materials were chosen, used and assembled in a way, that none, maybe not even a calabash specialist, can say that the pipe is a novelty or a fake. The total cost was only 8,70 euros, just the price of the briar pipe, because the african instrument, purchased for 12 euros, is still playable with another handle. All the other materials were existing, or free. It took about a month to finish it, most of the time was for thinking, planning, searching and experimenting.
The first thing I needed, in order to make a gourd calabash pipe, was a calabash gourd, of course. The greek gourds rarely have a properly bent top, and if they do, it doesn't have the right shape, and the walls are too thin. So, for a long time, wherever I was, I kept my eyes open for anything resembling what I had in mind.
After a lot of search for the proper gourd, I found this instrument, in an exotic-gifts shop. It's an african shaker, like a cabasa, a gourd with sea-shells attached with strings. It was heavilly painted brown, and the top wasn't as curved as I wanted it to be, but it catched my eye at once, and I bought it for 12 euros. I wasn't sure it's a calabash gourd, but it sure was an african gourd in the right shape.
After drawing a circular line, I cut off the top of the gourd, using a small iron cutting saw. I scratched the dried remains of flesh and seeds from the inside walls of the gourd, and I trimmed both ends, using a file. I sanded all the inside walls of the gourd with a coarse sand paper, using the paper as a roll in the narrow part. The walls are thick enough, and the outer surface is harder than any wood I know.
I did some more trimming on the edges, using a blade cutter and grit paper, in order to make the top flat and even. I also removed most of the paint, using the same tools. I didn't use any chemicals, because the smell remains for a long time.
I polished the surface of the gourd and removed some paint remains, using fine grit papers and steel wool....
I drilled a hole in the narrow end, using 1 to 6mm drill bits, carefully not to pass through the opposite wall. I made sure I had an air passage, by blowing through the hole...
I curved a groove for the cork gasket, using the cutter and the grit paper. The groove is the only way to keep the gasket in place. It mustn't be too deep, because the wall becomes too thin, and the gourd may crack while inserting the bowl, or smoking...
The cork gasket is an important part of the pipe, because it holds the bowl firmly in place, and also keeps the chamber inside the gourd airtight. Making a cork gasket is a tricky process, but fortunately I had some experience from the restoring of an antique English calabash, when I destroyed the first two gaskets, because they were too loose. The gasket must be thick enough, to let the bowl enter very hardly for the first time (see page 7,"The Final Stage"), because later, by smoking the pipe, it becomes thinner, and less elastic.
I was given this flat piece of cork by a friend. It is 5mm thick, and consists of very small pieces of cork compressed. It's a fragile material, and it can break or chip easily while you cut it or bend it. I found out that the best way to keep it elastic, is to keep it wet. It must be dry only when you sand it or glue it. After I draw two parallel lines 5mm apart on the surface of the cork, I cut a strip about 12cm long with a scissors. I shaped its sides flat and I thinned it a little bit, with grit paper. Then I wet it, and started to bend it...
Keeping the cork strip wet all the time, I worked it by pressing with my fingers and bending it slowly, and carefully not to break it. I kept weting and bending, untill the ends met. Finally, I placed it in the inside of a spray-can cup, and kept it in place with two pieces of cork, in order to form an almost perfect circle. I let it dry for 24 hours before removing it.
I had to place the cork in the groove and remove it several times, in order to check if it fits right. I achieved the right diameter of the gasket, by cutting thin slices of cork from both ends, untill the ends met. I used a multi-purpose elastic glue for cork, rubber, leather etc, durable up to 125C degrees, to glue the gasket in place. I let it dry for 24 hours by an open window, because the glue has a strong smell, and can stay in the gourd for a long time. After the glue dried, I cut the exceeding top of the gasket with a cutter, and sanded it, in order to be even with the top of the gourd. I also rounded a little bit the edges of the gasket, with a fine grit paper...
The next thing I needed was a bent stem. I also needed a wooden ferrule. All calabash pipes have a ferrule, to prevent the gourd from cracking by the pressure of the tenon of the stem. Instead of trying to make, or to find the proper stem for my calabash, I searched to find a cheap pipe, with a stem close to what I had in mind. I also intended to use the shank of the pipe as a ferrule, as it was already drilled properly.
I found this unsmoked basket pipe, and I bought it for 8,70 euros. It's a medium size, partly bent, greek "Pipex" pipe, with a nice grain, and no fills at all. It was hard for me to destroy it, but fortunatelly, all the parts of the pipe were used in the calabash.
After I cut the shank off the bowl, I used it to make a ferrule for my calabash. I shaped it as a slightly tapered cylinder, with rounded edges on the wide side, using files and grit papers...
The stem needed some more bending. After I inserted a pipe cleaner, I bent the stem to the desired angle, by shaking it over the flame of an alcohol lamp. When the angle was right, I cooled it with water. I rounded the edges near the tenon, a little more, with a file, and polished all the stem with fine grit paper, steel wool and toothpaste...
I always liked the silver bands on the pipes. I also wanted to add a metalic band, in order to reinforce the shank of the gourd, but I didn't want to cover the nice briar ferrule. So, I decided to add a narrow band, just on the joint of the ferrule and the gourd. A bronze, chrome-plated cup of an old electric fuse, was what I needed. I opened an wide hole on the one side, and made the other side a little wider. I sanded most of the chrome-plating, having in mind to silver-plate it (see page 7, "The Final Stage").
I needed a durable tube, about 7mm in diameter, to join the ferrule and the gourd. I found a piece of an old radio antenna, a bronze chrome-plated tube, in the right diameter. I inserted the tube deep into the gourd, and I made sure that all parts were in line. Then I removed the ferulle, and I cut the tube right on the point were the tenon stops inside the ferulle. I placed the ferulle again, with the stem attached, to check if the stem is leaning left or right. Finally, I glued the tube, the band and the ferulle in place, using acrylic glue. After the glue dried, I checked the mortise, the tube and the gourd for obstacles. The air flow was perfect, and any pipe cleaner, a little bent, could easily pass through the mortise, to the top of the gourd...
The most important part of every pipe is the bowl; it must be durable to the heat of the burning tobacco and odourless. Finding a suitable bowl for my calabash was a big problem. An option was to order a meerchaum bowl via Internet, from a US maker, but the cost was too hi, including the price, the posting and the customs charges. Another option was to find a man who works with a lathe, to make a bowl of olive or oak wood for me. But I didn't find one. So, I decided to make my own bowl. Being familiar with the briar, as any pipe smoker does, I decided to make a briar one. The bowl of a calabash doesn't always have to be meerschaum, and after all, my 84 years old, antique English calabash, has a bowl made of plastic material !
The remained briar bowl, of the pipe I had already used for the ferrule and the stem, seemed right to start with. The size was right, the grain was fine, there were no fills at all, and the shank was already cut off.
I gave the bowl the desired shape, using a couple of files and grit papers. The bowl must be completely inserted into the gourd, without touching the walls. I filled the existing hole with a piece of briar and a drop of acrylic glue, and I drilled a new hole right in the centre of the bottom.Then I did some reaming inside the bowl, with a sharpened cake reamer, to increase the width and the depth of the chamber. Having already in mind to attach a cup to the bowl, and to reinforce the top of the bowl after the reaming, I decided to use a rim. I cut a strip of tin with a scissors, opened eight holes with a 1mm drill bit, and I mounted it round the top of the bowl, using small bronze nails. I bent the ends of the nails into the wood, and made them flat with a file.
I always liked the silver cups on the old-fashioned calabash, but I also like the rounded, mushroom-like tops of the meerchaum bowls. So, I started to search for a metallic cup, in this shape. The bottom of the above spray can, had the perfect shape and dimensions. I cut the tin bottom with a dented kitchen knife, and I removed the remains of the walls with a file and grit paper.
I made a hole in the middle of the tin cup, equal to the hole of the bowl, about 22mm in diameter, using a drill and a couple of files. I didn't like the sharp edges of the hole, so I started searching for something to cover them. I was lucky to find the bronze ring on the right, almost in the exact diameter of the hole. It is a ring used to reinforce holes on fabric covers of vehicles.
With a little trimming, the ring fitted nicely into the hole of the cap. I soldered it there, by first applying soldering material on both surfaces, and then heating them together with a butane gas soldering iron. I removed the exceeding soldering material, and polished the cup and the ring, using fine steel wool.
I turned the cup and the bowl upside-down, I placed the bowl on the centre of the cup and I pushed it, till the rim touched the cup and the edge of the ring was into the bowl. Then I made sure the bowl was upright and firmly in place...
I soldered the rim on the cup using the butane gas soldering iron and some soldering wire. The thick soldering included the heads of the nails, so the construction proved to be very solid. I also soldered the bent ends of the nails, inside the bowl, to the bronze ring.
I cleaned the surfaces around the soldering with steel wool and ear-tips soaked in pure alcohol, and I trimmed the edge of the ring inside the bowl with a file, to make it more even to the walls of the bowl. The small, less than 0,5mm step, will be covered by the cake, anyway. Finally, I polished the cup a little more with steel wool. I left some "criss-cross" artifacts, existing from manufacture on the surface of the cup, because I think they add a touch of "handmade" and "antique" look. The briar bowl with the metal cup was ready !
All the parts of the pipe were ready, but some more work was necessary, before starting assembling them. First, I had to silver-plate the cup of the bowl, and the bronze band.
The same friend who gave me the piece of cork for the gasket (thanks Alex!), also gave me a liquid named "Silverlife", used in silver-plating metalic surfaces. It's not a paint, it really adds a thin coat of pure silver that bonds with the metal. I applied the liquid with a cloth, I rubbed it for a minute, and then I wiped the excess material. The result was impressive! I repeated the process three times on the surface of the cup and the band, so the silver layer became thicker and more durable. I polished both the silver cup and the band with a cloth buffing wheel, attached on my drill. Then, I used the same buffing wheel to polish the gourd and the briar ferrule. Since I don't have a special polishing wax, I used an ordinary brown drawing wax-crayon. I applied a thick coat of wax on all surfaces by drawing, I melted it over an alcohol lamp, and started buffing immediately. The result wasn't the glass-like surface of a new pipe, but the antique look of my calabash doesn't need it. Next, I polished the stem with the buffing wheel, and I applied a coat of graphite on the tenon and the mortise by drawing with an ordinary 2=B pencil, as a dry lubricant. I did the same on the inside surface of the cork gasket, because it was the time to insert the bowl in place.
Inserting the bowl in the gasket for the first time is a risky process. The gasket is still too thick, as it has to be (see "the cork gasket"), so the bowl inserts very hardly, and the extreme pressure can easily crack the gourd. First, I wet the cork with an ear-tip, to make it more flexible, carefully not to wet the gourd. Then I applied a drop of olive oil on the outer surface of the bowl. While holding tight the top of the gourd with one hand, I inserted slowly and carefully the bowl in place, by pressing and twisting it. When the bowl was all the way into the gourd, and the cup was sitting properly on the top, I checked around the gourd for cracks, and I left the pipe for 24 hours.
Next day, the gasket was dry, and formed in the shape of the bowl, so every next time, removing and reinserting the bowl, was easier. Placing the stem, was not a problem, as the mortise of the ferrule was in the exact diameter of the tenon, and both were already lubricated with the pencil graphite.
The first real gourd calabash pipe made in Greece, was assembled, and ready to smoke !
Cum se intretine un Meerschaum ?
Spuneam la un moment dat ca la intalnirea de pe 4 Iulie printre altele vom discuta si despre niste "descoperiri" ale colegului nostru Cristi (Molia).
Iata ce ne spune domnia sa:
...Descoperirile mele in domeniul ingrijirii Meerschaum-ului de care pomenea Subsonique nu sunt bazate pe experienta ci pe documentatie.
Se refera in principal la cum se coloreaza:
- dispozitive mai mult sau mai putin ajutatoare (dopul de tutun lasat in bol dupa ce a fost golita cenusa sau o calota de tip calabash, cu sau fara dop de pluta care sa vina in contact cu bolul, ca sa fumeze rece si sa se coloreze uniform, dar mult mai incet)
- fumarea incontinuu a unei singure pipe pe durata a 3 luni (cam greu de conceput, dar aparent practicata solutia), ca sa se evapore ceara si pipa sa ramana calda intre fumari.
- metoda de calire europeana, prin fierbere in ulei de casalot (cumparam uleiul de la vreo suta de ceasornicari care mai detin asa ceva pana adunam cam un litru sau gasim pe cai ilegale), rezultand o pipa care nu va face vreodata turta, uleiul avansand spre interior iar gudronul spre exterior....Macar Ermec si le fierbe in ceara de albine, nu in parafina, dar oricum ceara e tratata din pacate....
- umplerea corecta a pipei (in nici un caz nu se va umple pipa mai putin de 100% in absenta dispozitivelor ajutatoare), ca sa nu ramai cu jumatatea bolului galbena la o pipa brun-roscata...
- fumarea pipei in borcan (mie mi se pare trisat, deoarece se coloreaza dinspre exterior), care e mai multa bataie de cap decat merita si orice zgarietura o demasca
- mustiuc "army mount" (ca spuma sa ia contact cu vulcanitul sau acrilicul fara transfer termic prea mare, care ar colora mai intens shank-ul), dar n-am vazut prea multe. Exista?
Pentru setul saptamanal de pipe din spuma de mare pe care am de gand sa-l comand la Ermec in toamna ma gandeam sa improvizez cam asa ceva: tub din tabla ca vatra, dop de tutun pe fundul bolului, cat sa se poata pipa prin el, cateva fire de tutun in shank, pentru a asigura o continuitate culorii. Am hotarat tabla ca sa permita o usoara incalzire a bolului din Meerschaum si sa lase umiditatea in tutunul folosit ca filtru, apoi inspre exterior....Si o garnitura din lemn/pluta care sa faca legatura intre tub si pipa.
Cu rabdare si tutun sper ca in iarna '08-'09 sa primesc pipele iar intr-un an sa am un set saptamanal de meerschaum vintage, care pot fi abuzate fara griji. My pipe dream for now...
Detalii care la inceputul threadului mi-au scapat:
- Pipele sunt fierte intr-o forma de grasime ca sa luceasca, Meerschaum-ul fiind un material poros, prin urmare mat.
Caldura lichefiaza acest strat iar pipa se pateaza daca bolul vine in contact cu degetele, prin urmare se recomanda sa fie tinuta de mustiuc sau cu manusi sau intr-o batista de hartie.
- Silicatul de magnesiu hidratat (spuma de mare) nu arde la temperaturi atat de scazute ca ale tutunului sau chiar a salviei, canabisului, opiumului, sau hasisului (temperaturi destul de ridicate), motiv pentru care nu are nevoie de turta. Gudronul care se solidifica pe vatra pipei are coeficient de dilatare diferit, deci poate crapa pipa daca se formeaza turta. Recomand stergerea bolului dupa fiecare fumat cu o batista de hartie infasurata pe deget.
- In cazul folosirii cuiului de pipa pentru amestecarea tutunului in bol nu se va folosi excesiv forta deoarece materialul se inmoaie in contact cu apa rezultata din arderea tutunului iar vatra se va zgaria. Dilatarea repetata a zgarieturilor le va adanci pana la craparea bolului.
Iata ce ne spune domnia sa:
...Descoperirile mele in domeniul ingrijirii Meerschaum-ului de care pomenea Subsonique nu sunt bazate pe experienta ci pe documentatie.
Se refera in principal la cum se coloreaza:
- dispozitive mai mult sau mai putin ajutatoare (dopul de tutun lasat in bol dupa ce a fost golita cenusa sau o calota de tip calabash, cu sau fara dop de pluta care sa vina in contact cu bolul, ca sa fumeze rece si sa se coloreze uniform, dar mult mai incet)
- fumarea incontinuu a unei singure pipe pe durata a 3 luni (cam greu de conceput, dar aparent practicata solutia), ca sa se evapore ceara si pipa sa ramana calda intre fumari.
- metoda de calire europeana, prin fierbere in ulei de casalot (cumparam uleiul de la vreo suta de ceasornicari care mai detin asa ceva pana adunam cam un litru sau gasim pe cai ilegale), rezultand o pipa care nu va face vreodata turta, uleiul avansand spre interior iar gudronul spre exterior....Macar Ermec si le fierbe in ceara de albine, nu in parafina, dar oricum ceara e tratata din pacate....
- umplerea corecta a pipei (in nici un caz nu se va umple pipa mai putin de 100% in absenta dispozitivelor ajutatoare), ca sa nu ramai cu jumatatea bolului galbena la o pipa brun-roscata...
- fumarea pipei in borcan (mie mi se pare trisat, deoarece se coloreaza dinspre exterior), care e mai multa bataie de cap decat merita si orice zgarietura o demasca
- mustiuc "army mount" (ca spuma sa ia contact cu vulcanitul sau acrilicul fara transfer termic prea mare, care ar colora mai intens shank-ul), dar n-am vazut prea multe. Exista?
Pentru setul saptamanal de pipe din spuma de mare pe care am de gand sa-l comand la Ermec in toamna ma gandeam sa improvizez cam asa ceva: tub din tabla ca vatra, dop de tutun pe fundul bolului, cat sa se poata pipa prin el, cateva fire de tutun in shank, pentru a asigura o continuitate culorii. Am hotarat tabla ca sa permita o usoara incalzire a bolului din Meerschaum si sa lase umiditatea in tutunul folosit ca filtru, apoi inspre exterior....Si o garnitura din lemn/pluta care sa faca legatura intre tub si pipa.
Cu rabdare si tutun sper ca in iarna '08-'09 sa primesc pipele iar intr-un an sa am un set saptamanal de meerschaum vintage, care pot fi abuzate fara griji. My pipe dream for now...
Detalii care la inceputul threadului mi-au scapat:
- Pipele sunt fierte intr-o forma de grasime ca sa luceasca, Meerschaum-ul fiind un material poros, prin urmare mat.
Caldura lichefiaza acest strat iar pipa se pateaza daca bolul vine in contact cu degetele, prin urmare se recomanda sa fie tinuta de mustiuc sau cu manusi sau intr-o batista de hartie.
- Silicatul de magnesiu hidratat (spuma de mare) nu arde la temperaturi atat de scazute ca ale tutunului sau chiar a salviei, canabisului, opiumului, sau hasisului (temperaturi destul de ridicate), motiv pentru care nu are nevoie de turta. Gudronul care se solidifica pe vatra pipei are coeficient de dilatare diferit, deci poate crapa pipa daca se formeaza turta. Recomand stergerea bolului dupa fiecare fumat cu o batista de hartie infasurata pe deget.
- In cazul folosirii cuiului de pipa pentru amestecarea tutunului in bol nu se va folosi excesiv forta deoarece materialul se inmoaie in contact cu apa rezultata din arderea tutunului iar vatra se va zgaria. Dilatarea repetata a zgarieturilor le va adanci pana la craparea bolului.
Alfred Dunhill smooth 375er Gold
Alfred Dunhill smooth 375er Gold 7er Pipes Set
Pret 60.000 euro (vinzi setu' si cumperi apartamentu')
Set de 7 pipe create de Alfred Dunhill in 1977,
cu aplicatii din aur masiv...nefumate.
Pret 60.000 euro (vinzi setu' si cumperi apartamentu')
Set de 7 pipe create de Alfred Dunhill in 1977,
cu aplicatii din aur masiv...nefumate.
Prima pipa
Odata ce ai achizitionat o pipa din briar poti incepe in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, ritualul de degustare a tabacului, pentru ca fumatul pipei in sine nu este doar fumat, ci este un intreg ritual, alegerea tutunului potrivit perioadei din ziua respectiva, in functie de starea sufleteasca si de vremea de afara, apoi aranjarea tabacului in bol (nu se tranteste tutunul pur si simplu in bol, trebuie sa-l simti, sa-l aranjezi in bol ca si cum calatoria lui de o ora si ceva sa decurga fara inconveniente, sunt cateva metode de aranjare a tabacului in bol, metode pe care cu timpul le vei deprinde si care iti vor usura pipatul unui tabac), vine apoi aprinderea tabacului, aprindere pe care unii o realizeaza cu chibritul iar altii cu bricheta (bricheta comuna sau cea speciala pentru pipe), cu toate ca recomandabil este sa aprinzi cu un chibrit, insa aici trebuie sa ai un pic de atentie pentru ca exista posibilitatea sa deteriorezi buza pipei in timp daca nu procedezi corect, insa lemnul confera noblete aprinderii si inobileaza intreg ritualul in sine.
Atentie insa, in momentul cand aprinzi batul de chibrit, nu il duce imediat la gura bolului pentru aprinderea pipei, zaboveste pret de cateva milisecunde pentru a se imprastia mirosul de catran apoi poti aprinde pipa de la flacara pura a chibritului.
Odata aprinsa pipa, incearca sa nu tragi in piept primul fum (asta este greseala multor fumatori de tigarete), pentru ca primul fum va trebui sa aprinda pipa in mod uniform si va trebui sa o pufai de cateva ori intr-un mod delicat si trebuie sa tragi dintr-o pipa ca si cum ai trage dintr-o tigareta....din pipa se trage mult mai usor si mai lejer.
Apoi vine alegerea unui tabac de dimineata, la cafea sau la ceaiul de la prima ora, tabacul de dupa amiaza sau tabacul de seara...Multi fumeaza una sau doua pe zi, altii mai spre exemplu fumez in jur de 7 pipe pe zi, dar nu te sfatuiesc sa fumezi asa multe pipe la inceput...
Pipa trebuie aleasa in functie de viziunile si revelatiile pe care le ai, in functie de forma pe care o are trebuie sa iti inspire tabacul pe care il doreste.
Asa cum Michelangelo "vorbea" cu marmura care ii spunea ce se afla in interiorul ei si ce trebuie dat la o parte pentru a lasa sa iasa extraordinarele statui si opere de arta, tot asa si pipa iti transmite ce tutun vrea sau cand doreste sa fie fumata, mangaiata, curatata sau ascultata..Pipa e mai mult decat un ritual....e o contopire cu esenta metafizica a lemnului din care a fost creata.
Pentru a fuma in conditii optime o pipa trebuie sa ai toate accesoriile necesare...pipa, tabac, chibrit, futac (ustensila din inox cu trei capete) si perii de curatat....asa cum fumatorul de tigarete are intotdeauna la el pachetul de tigari si bricheta...tot asa un fumator de pipa va avea intotdeauna la el, o pipa sau doua, chibrit, futac si periile din bumbac pentru curatat pipa....
Bun venit in Universul Pipelor si fie ca fumul pipei tale sa iti descopere minunata lume colorata a tabacurilor de inalta clasa !!
....Narghilelele, lulelele sau pipele fac parte din recuzita unui boier. Narghilelele si lulelele sînt foarte lungi si, uneori, asezat pe divan, narghileaua boierului atinge podeaua. Ele sînt confectionate din lemn de cires sau de iasomie, urmîndu-se de cele mai multe ori moda de la Constantinopol, iar tutunul adus din cele mai exotice regiuni delecteaza pe evghenitul boier atunci cînd sastiseste întins pe sofa. Bineînteles ca dezvoltarea acestui ritual duce si la aparitia unor "servitori" specializati nu numai în prepararea, pregatirea, servirea acestor delicatesuri, ci mai degraba în elaborarea si practicarea pas cu pas a ritualului.
La curtea domneasca sau în marile case boieresti o droaie de servitori sînt pregatiti pentru a fi cafegii, ciubuccii, sofragii, iar tigancile sînt educate cum sa se strecoare cu iuteala si abilitate printre "mosafiri" si sofale pentru a aduce cafea proaspata, dulceturi felurite, tutunul dorit sau apa de trandafiri pentru spalarea mîinilor. În momentul sosirii, ambasadori, consuli, calatori sau simpli prieteni sînt primiti la curtea domneasca sau într-o importanta casa boiereasca cu desfasurarea unui întreg ritual de politeturi din care nu lipsesc cafelele, dulceturile, serbeturile, confeturile, dulciurile, zaharicalele, narghilelele.
Iata cum se desfasura ritualul cafelei asa cum este el descris de un martor ocular, medicul Andreas Wolf, la 1784: "Stapînul casei bate din palme (este un semnal obisnuit care înlocuieste clopotelul folosit la noi) si, într-o clipa, odaia de primire s-a umplut de slugi. Fata din casa, de obicei o tiganca, aduce pe o tava de argint un pahar cu apa proaspata, împreuna cu o chisea draguta, în care se gaseste asa-numita dulceata. Aceasta o preda cucoanei care apoi serveste cu mîna ei pe fiecare musafir. Deoarece acesta este primul semn al onorurilor, indiferent de zi sau de anotimp, refuzul ar însemna o lipsa de cuviinta. Oaspetele îsi ia, asadar, o lingurita bine umpluta si apoi bea dupa ea apa cît pofteste. În timpul acesta apare cafegiul cu tava sa pe care se gasesc ibricul de cafea si filigenele împreuna cu suporturile. Se da cafeaua nefiltrata (pregatita) de obicei fara zahar, dupa cum am vazut si la turci. Stapîna casei întinde cu mîna ei fiecarui musafir filigeana cu cafea; în clipa aceea se apropie ciubugiul si ofera pe rînd fiecaruia cîte o lulea aprinsa chiar atunci."
Uneori îmi doresc sastiseala de la 1800 si tihna unei filigene de cafea în fumul parfumat al unei pipe sau narghilele...
La curtea domneasca sau în marile case boieresti o droaie de servitori sînt pregatiti pentru a fi cafegii, ciubuccii, sofragii, iar tigancile sînt educate cum sa se strecoare cu iuteala si abilitate printre "mosafiri" si sofale pentru a aduce cafea proaspata, dulceturi felurite, tutunul dorit sau apa de trandafiri pentru spalarea mîinilor. În momentul sosirii, ambasadori, consuli, calatori sau simpli prieteni sînt primiti la curtea domneasca sau într-o importanta casa boiereasca cu desfasurarea unui întreg ritual de politeturi din care nu lipsesc cafelele, dulceturile, serbeturile, confeturile, dulciurile, zaharicalele, narghilelele.
Iata cum se desfasura ritualul cafelei asa cum este el descris de un martor ocular, medicul Andreas Wolf, la 1784: "Stapînul casei bate din palme (este un semnal obisnuit care înlocuieste clopotelul folosit la noi) si, într-o clipa, odaia de primire s-a umplut de slugi. Fata din casa, de obicei o tiganca, aduce pe o tava de argint un pahar cu apa proaspata, împreuna cu o chisea draguta, în care se gaseste asa-numita dulceata. Aceasta o preda cucoanei care apoi serveste cu mîna ei pe fiecare musafir. Deoarece acesta este primul semn al onorurilor, indiferent de zi sau de anotimp, refuzul ar însemna o lipsa de cuviinta. Oaspetele îsi ia, asadar, o lingurita bine umpluta si apoi bea dupa ea apa cît pofteste. În timpul acesta apare cafegiul cu tava sa pe care se gasesc ibricul de cafea si filigenele împreuna cu suporturile. Se da cafeaua nefiltrata (pregatita) de obicei fara zahar, dupa cum am vazut si la turci. Stapîna casei întinde cu mîna ei fiecarui musafir filigeana cu cafea; în clipa aceea se apropie ciubugiul si ofera pe rînd fiecaruia cîte o lulea aprinsa chiar atunci."
Uneori îmi doresc sastiseala de la 1800 si tihna unei filigene de cafea în fumul parfumat al unei pipe sau narghilele...
"Pipa descatuseaza buzele intelepte ale filozofului si inchide gura neghiobului" scria W.M. Thackeray acum o suta de ani si pana astazi fumatul pipei isi pastreaza un anumit aer sofisticat. Un veritabil cunoscator si iubitor al tutunului nu ar concepe alt mijloc de a fuma pretioasa iarba decat prin pipa.
Cu mult timp inainte de ordinara tigara, pipa era in centrul atentiei. Daca va intrebati cum i-a venit ideea primului barbat sau femeie sa fumeze se pare ca i-a fost foarte simplu: a inhalat fum provenit din frunze arse. Istoricul grec Herodot scria despre anumite triburi scitice care "beau fum" dintr-un foc, inhaland fumul a ceea ce se pare sa fi fost marijuana. Prima pipa facuta de catre om a fost probabil un tub, un cilindru simplu din lemn sau os. Pipele tub au fost gasite in istoria tuturor civilizatiilor, unele datand din 200 i.Hr.
In unele culturi prima pipa semana cu o micuta movila de pamant cu o groapa in mijloc in care se punea tutunul. In aceasta gropita erau introduse paie prin care se inhala tutunul. Pentru a putea folosi o astfel de pipa, fumatorul trebuia sa se intinda pe burta pe pamant si sa traga tutunul pe gura prin acele tuburi. Aceste pipe primtive se mai foloseau inca pe timpul primului razboi mondial de catre soldatii indieni.
Indenii din America de Sud construiau astfel de pipe in marime considerabila, in jurul ei adunandu-se in cerc mai bine de 150 de oameni pentru a imparti un fum. Cand primele pipe din lut sau lemn au aparut in triburile indiene, fumatul era vazut ca o petrecere a timpului liber alaturi de comunitate. Astfel s-a incetatenit obiceiul de a trece pipa de la un membru la celalalt al grupului.
Europenii care au ajuns in America in secolul al XVI-lea au intalnit indieni care fumau o pipa in forma de tub in forma literei "Y", fumatorul introducandu-si partea de sus a pipei in nari tinand celalalt capat langa o gramada de frunze de tutun care ardeau inspirand astfel fumul. Archaeologii din Africa au gasit pipe in forma de tub facute din lut sau lemn care masurau pana la 1.83 de metri.
Indienii din America Centrala isi faceau pipele din piatra. Fumau un amestec numit kinnikinnik, facut din tutun, frunzele unei plante numita otetar si scoarta de salcie. Indienii considerau tutunul o iarba sacra si vedeau fumatul ca pe o practica cu incarcaturi spirituale. Isi modelau baza pipelor in forma animalelor sacre si alte totemuri. Istoricii nu au putut explica cum unele dintre pipele gasite in ruinele vechilor asezaminte indiene din aceasta zona aveau incrustate figurine reprezentand elefanti si vaci de mare pe ele, doua animale pe care indienii din aceste locuri nu aveau cum sa le fi vazut.
Calumetul, sau pipa pacii, era de obicei o pipa lunga si subtire din lemn cu partea de final din piatra in care era pus tutunul. Calumetul era considerat o dovada de pace si prietenie si primii exploratori ai Americii de Vest luau cu ei calumete in posibilitatea ca ar da peste indieni ostili si astfel sa le arate ca au intentii pasnice. Nu se cunoste niciun incident in care indienii sa nu fi respectat semnificatia pipei pacii.
Cuvantul tutun vine de la cuvantul indian pentru tubul de calumet, si nu pentru numele platelor. Cand obiceiul fumatului a ajuns pana la europeni, indienii si-au prezentat pipele repetand cuvantul tutun pentru a-i indemna pe europeni sa puna calumetul intre buze. Europenii au presupus ca indienii se refereau la substanta pe care o fumau si nu la recipient, si astfel planta si-a pastrat acest nume.
Pipa cu apa, foarte populara pentru fumat in Orientul apropiat timp de secole bune, a fost inventata de catre persani pentru a fuma hasis. Primele pipe cu apa se numeau narghilea, de la cuvantul arab pentru nuca de cocos, pentru ca nuca de cocos a fost folosita la inceput pentru crearea primelor pipe prevazute cu vas cu apa parfumata, prin care trece fumul inainte de a fi inspirat. Mai tarziu, arabii au creat pipe mai elaborate facute din cristal. Unii barbati persani erau atat de pretentiosi cand venea vorba de gustul fumului venit de la apa parfumata incat le puneu pe sotiile lor sa fumeze patru sau cinci vase de tutun sau hasis una dupa alta pentru ca fumul sa fie de buna calitate.
Primele pipe folosite in Europa erau facute din lut. Pipele din lut cu vase mici erau preferate in Anglia pentru ca la inceputul introducerii tutunului in Europa cererea era mult mai mare decat oferta, si pentru a-si putea satisface poftele o perioada mai lunga de timp pana la venirea stocului urmator, domnii englezi erau nevoiti sa-si dramuiasca bine rezerva de tutun, astfel fumand in cantitati mici.
Existau doua tipuri de pipe din lut la moda in Anglia secolului al XVII-lea: pipa scurta (cutty) si cea lunga (churchwarden). Doar cei bogati isi puteau permite sa fumeze din pipa lunga, mai scumpa si incrustata cu diferite modele. Daca domnii instariti isi purtau pipele in casetute scumpe si sofisticate, oamenii de rand si le agatau la borul palariei.
Astazi exista cinci tipuri de pipe in intreaga lume. Multi prefera pipele din portelan, dotate cu un tub lung in forma de spirala si doua vase. Altii prefera pipele din lemn de cires. Insa cele mai populare sunt pipa din spuma de mare, pipa din lemn de maces si pipa din cocean de porumb.
Pipa din spuma de mare este facuta dintr-un compus de silicat de magneziu care se extrage in cea mai mare parte din Asia Minor. Nemtii credeau ca subtanta in forma sa pura semana cu spuma de mare solidificata, dandu-i astfel numele de meerschaum - adica spuma de mare. Mestesugarii din turcia inca mai fac manual pipe din spuma de mare pe care le incrusteaza cu busturile zeilor sau personalitatilor istorice.
Originile pipei din lemn sunt legate de un fumator francez care in timpul unei calatorii in Corsica in 1820 si-a pierdut pe drum pretioasele pipe din spuma de mare. L-a rugat pe un mestesugar local sa ii faca o pipa din lemn de maces. Fumatorul a fost atat de incantat de noua sa pipa incat a trimis in Frata o nava intreaga cu lemn de maces si a inceput sa produca acolo pipe din acest lemn. Astazi pipa din lemn de maces este cea mai populara dintre toate celelalte tipuri.
Pipa din cocean de porumb este o inventie americana. John Schranke, un imigrant olandez carea avea o ferma in Washington isi facuse un hobby in a crea pipe din coceni de porumb. In 1869, Schranke a dus una dintre aceste pipe la magazinul unui prieten, Henry Tibbe. Tibbe a imbunatatit pipa netezind suprafata neslefuita si a inceput sa o comercializeze. Dupa o suta de ani pipa din porumb ajungea sa se produca anual in 10 milioane de exemplare. Presedintele celei mai mari fabrici de astfel de pipe din lume isi are si astazi resedinta oficiala la vechiul magazin al lui Tibbe.
In comparatie cu aceasta pipa care este cea mai ieftina, cea mai scumpa pipa din lume este asa-numita Charatan Summa Cum Laude, o pipa care se vinde cu 2.500 de dolari.
Fumatul pipei era la moda chiar si printre femei pentru o perioada, iar astazi femeile fumatoare de pipa sunt numeroase in China, unde tigarile se gasesc rar inafara oraselor mari.
Dupa un timp fumatul pipei de catre femei a inceput sa fie privit ca un lucru dizgratios. Exista si o anecdota care s-a pastrat din acea vreme: O tanara femeie se retrasese pentru pauza de cafea si si-a aprins o pipa. "Ce obicei dizgratios", a spus o femeie invarsta care statea alaturi. "Mai bine comit adulter decat sa fumez". "Asa as face si eu", raspunde tanara, "dar nu e destul timp in pauza de cafea".
Cel care, pentru mult timp, a cules laurii pentru aducerea tutunului in Europa a fost Sir Walter Raleigh care a adus tutunul din Virginia in Anglia la sfarsitul secolului al XVI-lea. Intr-adevar, el este cel care a adus tutunul in Anglia facand mare senzatie la curtea reginei Elisabeta I, insa tutunul a ajuns mai demult in Europa, adus de Cristofor Columb. Ajuns in Indii, acesta scria in jurnalul sau despre indienii din Caraibe care tineau in maini "lemn pe jumatate ars". Conform unei povesti, primul european care a fumat a fost Rodrigo de Jerez, unul dintre membrii echipajului lui Columb, care a luat mostre de tutun din Indii si le-a adus acasa in Spania. Povestea spune ca sotia lui Jerez l-a denuntat mai tarziu in fata Inchizitiei pentru ca "inghite foc, scoate fum si cu siguranta este posedat de diavol".
Exploratorii spanioli din Mexic au vazut cum aztecii faramitau frunzele de tutun si le rulau in frunze de porumb. Tutunul a fost adus pe continentul European prin 1558, cand un medic spaniol, Francisco Fernandes, trimis in Lumea Noua de catre regele Philip II a adus cateva plante si seminte de tutun. Anul urmator, ambasadorul francez la Portugalia a trimis seminte de tutun la curtea franceza. Regina Catherine de Medici lauda mai tarziu planta, spunand ca tutunul a vindecat-o de dureri de cap. ea este cea care i-a dat numele noii plante nicotina.
In ceea ce priveste Anglia, unii sustin ca nu Sir Walter Raleigh a fost cel care a adus tutunul aici. Unii istorici sustin ca un anumit John Hawkins a adus planta in 1565 dupa o calatorie in Florida. Oricare ar fi adevarul, cert este ca Sir Walter a jucat un rol important in popularizarea tutunului in Europa devenind cel mai notoriu fumator din Anglia renascentista. O poveste spune cum Raleigh si-a aprins o pipa in fata reginei Elisabeta si a fost prompt stropit cu apa din cap pana in picioare de catre un curtean care se speriase ca lorul luase foc.
Pana in 1600 "bautura uscata" era la moda in toata Europa. La acea vreme tigarile erau prea putin cunoscute. Se spune ca cersetorii din Sevilia au fost cei care au inventat tigarile, rulandu-si praful de tutun in hartie ramanand de atunci un mod de a fuma ieftin si accesibil pentru mase.
Medicii secolului al XVII-lea credeau in puterile vindecatoare ale tutunului, prescriindu-l aproape pentru orice boala, transformand tutunul in pastile, plasturi, uleiuri, cataplasme, saruri, tincturi si balsamuri. In timpul plagii din Londra din 1660 multi oameni fumau tutun pentru a preveni imbolnavirea. Chiar si in ultima perioada a secolului doctorii continuau sa prescrie tutunul pentru tratarea sughiturilor, imbecilitatii, icterului, sifilisului si pentru orice altceva inafara de tuse.
Erau insa si altii care se aratau clar impotriva tutunului. Spre exemplu, James I al Angliei, in al sau Counterblast to Tobacco, descria fumatul ca "un obicei dezgustator pentru privire, scarbos pentru miros, daunator pentru creier, periculos pentru plamani si fumul negru si urat mirositor seamana cu fumul din focul fara de sfarsit al iadului".
In America tutunul devenea o afacere tot mai profitabila, plantatii intregi de tutun intinzandu-se in multe regiuni ale Americii. Fabricile de tutun din America dateaza din timpul razboiului civil, cand producatorii de tutun greci si turci din New York au inceput sa infasoare in tigari tutun scump. Pana la acea vreme spaniola "cigarito" devenise la moda in toata Europa in detrimentul pipei. La inceputurile producarii de tigari, un lucrator putea sa infasoare circa 18.000 de tigari pe saptamana. Astazi, fabricile mecanizate produc circa 1.500 de tigari pe minut, sau 36.000 de pachete intr-o zi de munca de opt ore.
Prima atentionare in legatura cu efectele negative ale tutunului s-a facut in 1964, lucru care nu a facut sa scada vanzarile si consumul de tutun.
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